Thursday, January 5, 2012

Albino Polar Bear pt. 2

Traffic is slow go with us running a gantlet of single lane road girded by cars on either side.  Those are not parking spaces, just for your information -a PSA that falls on deaf ears.  Just 15mins ago we were feeling like the smartest people in the 505 area code for getting up here so early and done already.  Now it is looking like we just got caught up in the I-just-woke-up-from-my-hangover-to-take-the-kids-sledding crowd.  Crowd is not the word for it, Sea is more like it and I feel my life-vest is not rated for this mayhem. 

We continue to crawl our way down the mountain when we get just a few hundred yards away from the ski area parking lot.  Dead.  Dead standstill.  As in no moving.  Oh, four letter words.  Tire Stop Move Cars Many Time.  People are out of their cars trying to figure why we are not making forward progress down the road, well other than people out of their cars.  I stay firmly at the helm while my first mate takes an observation crew down to the surface of the planet to make contact.  Park and ignition off.  We are going to be here for a while.  Observation done, information gathered.  Police car across the road stopping traffic in both directions.  No other news.

We have not reached Freaked-Out level, but we are currently at Def-Con III.  Tensions are running moderately high.  I see that cars brake lights and reverse lights are coming on.  This means that people are starting their cars and putting them in gear.  There is movement.  We are being freed from our certain-to-come meltdown-name-calling fight.  On the move.  9 more miles and we have to find a hamburger, stat.

All the way through Albuquerque and no burger, and now the car needs a burger.  Bernalillo is just what was needed.  Burgers at Blake's Lotta Burger and petrol for the Rav at Connoco.  We are officially on the Albuquerque to Durango leg of this adventure.  Blake's, not the best place to go when you feel like you have miles to go and a deadline to fill.  I did however score a free burger.  Not sure if it was my fault (as in stealing) or their fault?  I was either handed the two bags or I grabbed the two bags.  Pretty sure I was only supposed to get one bag.  For my penance I had to eat the whole burger.  I was already full, but I suffered for my sins.  Yummy sins.

Uneventful drive, lots of snow everywhere except for the road.  There is always that one driver, or in the case of New Mexico, drivers that do not like to be passed.  I always find them.  I pull alongside, and then they speed off like it's a race or something.  This does not happen once, but several times.  Really? 

We pull into Durango about an hour after sunset, so no beautiful mountain sunset today, maybe tomorrow?  Turns out the Father-in-law is staying at the same hotel.  Must be genetics, booking the same hotel.  How weird/cool is that?  The wife and FiL (Father-in-law) book the same hotel without previous knowledge.  Spooky right?  Anyway FiL is only a few mins behind and we are cleaning up for dinner.

Holly expletive Yeah! We are in Durango.  Going to explore some new snow-sports activities, find an awesome brewery, and get called out by a C&W singer at dinner.  Oh geez look at the time... guess you will have to wait 'til next post.

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