(fade to black and white grainy backdrop) I've been riding mountain bikes for almost 17 years, I started back in Utah in the summer because I was getting fat and it took forever when the snow came to get into riding form. Bikes were not my first love, and I just used them as a tool. They did not become my life until about ten years ago. I'm not providing my background in cycling to prove that I "know stuff", it is to show that I don't know everything there is to know. I am a student of cycling and I have a lifetime to learn. My knowledge is only a small sliver. What I do know is this. (house lights come up with a small rainbow and unicorn -stage left)
Mountain bike trails don't make themselves, there is not some magical all seeing being that comes down from Unicorn Rainbow Land to breathe trails to life. I wish. But. For me this is really kinda how it happens. Trails just appear. It is a miracle. I go to the Trail Head ride my bike and go home. Done and dusted, time for a man soda. Wait. I know what you are thinking, you don't believe in Unicorn Rainbow trail making god?
First Santa and now Unicorn Trail Making god. I found out the other day that people make trails. Who knew? Yes, real people just like you and me. Well, except they spend countless hours working, building, breaking, sawing, sweating, cutting, moving for the common good of ALL trail users. Not just mountain bikers you silly. Everyone. It's like going to your job doing all the work and then someone else gets your paycheck to spend on beer and candy. Show some appreciation, say thank you, respect what you have -what you have been given. Find these
Thank you for all your hard work. MY trails are awesome. That's right I own them. (last two sentences dripping with sarcasm)