Saturday, February 12, 2011

Why change?

I love Starbucks Pike Roast.  I received a bur-grinder and a drip machine for Christmas, and have been brewing my coffee ever since.  I am hooked on Pike Roast and I did try some Starbucks French Roast -which I liked.  The French is very very smokey and bold, it is a black coffee drinkers black coffee.  It is a Mike Tyson throat punch in the morning.  I'm back to Pike and I did a really stupid thing the other day at the store.  I bought some Dunkin' Donuts Original Blend.

I like Dunkin' Donuts' coffee in their shops, too bad we don't have any here, they have good fast breakfast, and that whole donut thing they are pretty good at.  I opened the bag and the beans look dry.  I ground said dry beans and the grind looks dry.  I brewed it up and it is good, but I feel it could be better.  Of course I have just gone through 3lbs of Starbucks in the last month and a half, so my expectations I feel are very high.  Speaking of High, Dunkin' Donuts 12oz bag is about as much as a Starbucks 16oz bag.  So I do expect better, premium price = premium coffee.  Right?

I did send Dunkin' an email question about their coffee and hope to hear back from them, but at this point I think after this bag is gone I will probably stick to my tried-and-true Pike Roast.  It is like most things in life, when you've got it good no need to look for something better, because you just might end up with something of lesser quality.

I am by no means a coffee snob, I like coffee.  I'll drink burnt truck stop coffee over watered down dishwater any day.  Nothing in it, just top it off and make it hot, and if I'm at a restaurant having breakfast...keep it coming.

If and when Dunkin' gets back to me I will post their reply in the comments section.

1 comment:

  1. For a locally roasted (read: more fresh) option you should check out Topeca. I'm a pretty big fan of their Santa Ana coffee right now. You can grab a 12oz bag for $9.99 at their cafe (inside the Mayo Hotel or inside Hyatt Hotel downtown).

    But when I was a Starbucks drinker, Pike Roast was one of my favs.
