Sunday, December 5, 2010

Early Christmas

Ask my wife, I'm a child.  I'm a child with ADHD...want to go ride bikes?  I can't wait, can't wait in line, can't wait for packages to show up, can't wait for my beer to be done.  So I did it.  I opened one three days early, and the world as we know it is still here. 

I am officially or technically supposed to open it on Monday, but I had to see how my baby was doing.  I grabbed one of the three 12oz beers that I have and I reached for the bottle opener.  The cap came off and the carbonation brought the beer to life.  I took a sniff of the longneck, and it smelled... smelled like beer... good beer.  I poured said beer into my favorite glassware and the perfect head crowned the beer like frothy royalty. 

First sip was a little scary, all that time, energy, THE WAITING was over and for what?  Great beer (by my standards) and brewed by my own hands, with my ability to follow directions and a recipe (thank you Mrs. Miller 4th grade who said I would never amount to anything).

I brewed Beer

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