Monday, July 12, 2010

The First Step

Cycling is my drug of choice. I know I am not the only one, I ride with you. You go to bed at night thinking about your next ride. You plan your day around a ride. You take vacations to ride. Hitting a little too close to home?

Your coworkers, family, and friends think you are crazy. How can you sit on such a little seat? Do you have to wear spandex? Why do you shave your legs? You rode how far today? I think they are crazy for not riding. There, we are even.

Cycling is more than a SPORT.

It is a lifestyle, it is transportation, it is work, it is play. It is the first taste of freedom. When did you leave the nest? Was it the first time you rode around your block, or when you rode two streets over to a friend's house?

Your first bike is magical. Santa brought it, or was it a birthday present? Can you remember when the training wheels came off? Did you learn the hard way? Without training wheels, your Dad pushing you, and then eventually running next to you after he let go?

Maybe you were like me and you rode your bike all the time, but then something happened. Something takes the place of the bike, it gets relegated to the backyard or hung in the garage to gather dust. It is no longer freedom, it is now a toy that you outgrew.

Several years, maybe a lifetime passes and you throw a leg over a bike. Something happens. It is magical, the bike. There is a new freedom that is uniquely familiar, and you feel like you once remembered.

They say "it's just like riding a bike". It is. You never forget. Sometimes you just don't remember.

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